Pet Wellness Services

The veterinary team at Eastland Veterinary Hospital in Union, New Jersey is committed to providing you and your pet the finest veterinary care possible. As part of our dedication to keeping your pet care costs reasonable, we believe that prevention contributes to your pet’s long term health and minimizes the lifetime cost of care. We strongly recommend routine wellness exams, vaccinations, regular lab work, deworming and fecal checks, as well as medications to prevent heartworm, fleas, and ticks to keep your pet in optimum health.

Despite the very best preventive care, a beloved pet may develop an illness or be injured. Our internal medicine and diagnostic capabilities along with out surgical expertise, ensure your pet receives a quick and accurate diagnosis and the proper treatment. We take time to explain all results to you and provide you with various options for your pet’s treatment.

Please take a look at the services we offer to learn why we believe they are important to the care and well-being of your pet. Then give us a call or contact us online to set up an appointment today!

services_wellness1Your Pet’s Wellness Examination at Our Union, New Jersey Hospital

Wellness examinations are the same for your pet as the physical you receive from your doctor. It’s a chance for us to assess your pet’s overall health, discuss any changes we see, educate and update you on advancements in veterinary care, and is also an opportunity for you to discuss any of your concerns or ask questions.

Your pet’s wellness examination at Eastland Veterinary Hospital includes our commitment to:

  • Examine your pet’s teeth, throat, and oral cavity
  • Check your pet’s vision and examine the eyes
  • Examine the ears for infection, ear mites, allergic reaction and other related health issues
  • Examine the respiratory system
  • Assess your pet’s heart and evaluate cardiac function
  • Test your pet’s reflexes
  • Palpate lymph nodes and abdomen
  • Inspect the skin
  • Palpate joints and muscles for arthritis and other orthopedic conditions
  • Test to evaluate the function of internal organs and other systems
  • Assess changes in your pet’s body weight, appetite, urination, and bowel habits
  • Inquire as to your pet’s activity level
  • Palpate the skin for unusual growth developments
  • Monitor your pet’s blood count
  • Utilize laboratory testing to detect early signs of Lyme or heartworm disease
  • Assess and evaluate general or specific changes in your pet’s health since the last wellness visit
  • Discuss preventive techniques with you, the pet owner
  • Collect and examine fecal samples for signs of parasitic infestation
  • Evaluate your pet for repetitive licking or biting in one area
  • Assess your pet’s hair/fur and check for matting
  • Demonstrate to you, the pet owner, how to administer at-home medication
  • Engage you, the pet owner, in conversation and answer your questions and concerns


Due to the many recent discoveries and innovations in veterinary medicine, your pet can be protected against most major infectious diseases. Up-to-date vaccinations play a large part in keeping your pet healthy and free from disease. However, not every pet requires the same series or frequency of vaccines. Our staff at Eastland Veterinary Hospital can assist you in deciding which preventive measures are necessary for your pet.

Core Vaccines for Dogs and Cats

Core vaccines for dogs include distemper, bordetella, Lyme disease, and leptospirosis. Rabies is also a core vaccine for dogs and is a requirement for all dogs living in the state of New Jersey.
Core vaccines for cats include FVRCP, a combined injection that includes vaccines for Panleukopenia Virus, Feline Calicivirus and Rhinotracheitis. FeLV, Feline Leukemia Virus vaccination, is striongly recommended for cats that go outdoors. Rabies vaccine is also a core vaccine for cats and a booster injection must be given each year.

services_wellness2Flea and Tick Prevention

Fleas and ticks are virtually everywhere. Although they’re a bigger problem in certain parts of the country and at specific times during the year, no cat or dog is completely safe from them. Fortunately, many safe and highly effective products are available. Fleas and ticks are more than a nuisance; they carry diseases dangerous to both you and your pet. Fleas can transmit tapeworms, and often you can see segments of the tapeworm in your pet’s stool. Ticks of course are the main carriers of Lyme disease.

Fleas are most abundant during the warm weather; however, if left untreated, they can be a nuisance year-round. Ticks tend to thrive in wooded areas or in high grass. It’s is often difficult to keep your pets away from tick infested areas, so if they do go exploring, check them when they come inside.

Flea and tick problems can be avoided by using parasite prevention products that are available at our hospital. When used properly and according to our directions, these products are very safe and effective.

Deworming and Fecal Check

Dangerous parasites are always present in the environment. We recommend regular fecal checks and deworming as the best way to prevent parasitic disease and the transmission of intestinal parasites to your pet and your family members.

Regular Blood Testing

A complete physical should include a blood test. Not only can a chemistry panel and blood count identify the presence of underlying disease processes, but these tests help create a baseline should your pet become ill between regular examinations.

Your Pet’s Wellness at Home

At home, watch for subtle changes in your pet’s body weight, appetite, water intake, urination and bowel habits, as well as general attitude and activity level. These changes may be signs of medical problems. Lumps and bumps under the skin may seem harmless, but can be cancerous. Ear infections, abscessed teeth and gum disease are common, painful conditions that may not become obvious until seriously advanced. A comprehensive physical exam is the tool to evaluate your dog’s, cat’s or other pet’s health status and to help you make informed decisions about the care of your special companion.

Puppy and Kitten Care

Bringing a new puppy or kitten into your home is always something to celebrate. They add energy and fun and are a source of unceasing affection as they bond with you and your family. However, new pets require a little extra attention to ensure they get a good, healthy start at life. This means that comprehensive physical exams from one of the veterinarians at Eastland Veterinary Hospital at key developmental stages are essential. Any time that you get a new pet, it’s important to schedule an appointment right away so that we may review their prior medical records and make timely recommendations for appropriate wellness care. Your first visits with your new puppy or kitten at our veterinary hospital in Union, New Jersey are perhaps the most important. These initial visits are where you, one of our doctors and your pet first meet and begin to form the relationship that lasts throughout the life of your pet. We take plenty of time with these visits to give your puppy or kitten a thorough examination, talk with you about concerns you may have, offer health care and training advice, and more.

  • services_wellness3 Some of the issues discussed during your kitten’s first visits include:
  • Diet discussion, including types of food that are best for cats’ unique requirements
  • Litter and litter box discussion
  • Behavior discussion
  • Should my cat be allowed to go outdoors?
  • Spaying and neutering recommendations
  • Declawing: Should I or shouldn’t I?
  • Vaccine protocol
  • Discussion of pet health insurance. Should I get pet health insurance? What should I look for in a company?
  • Microchipping: Should I get this done? When is the best time to do this?
  • Fecal exam and treatment for worms and other intestinal parasites
  • Testing for Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
  • Discussion about fleas (treatment and prevention) and heartworm disease

Some of the issues discussed during your puppy’s first visits include:

  • Diet discussion, including types of food to feed and guidelines on feeding intervals and quantities
  • Housetraining discussion
  • Behavior discussion
  • Spaying and neutering advice: Is this best for my dog? If I decide to spay/neuter, when is the best time to have this done?
  • Formulation of an individualized vaccine protocol.
  • Discussion on pet health insurance. Should I get pet health insurance? What should I look for in a company?
  • Discussion about heartworm, fleas, and ticks
  • Microchipping: Should I get this done? When is the best time to do this?
  • Fecal exam and treatment for worms and other intestinal parasites

We take plenty of time during these visits to give your puppy or kitten a thorough examination, which includes detection of potential congenital problems, offer health care and training advice, and talk with you about any concerns you may have. This is your new kitten or puppy and we’re happy to answer all of your questions.

services_wellness4Caring for Your Senior Pet

Older pets make wonderful companions and, thanks to advances in veterinary medicine, pets are living longer than ever. Your senior pet has medical needs that are very different from puppies and kittens, though. The veterinarians and medical team at Eastland Veterinary Hospital in Union, New Jersey work with you to develop a health care plan that ensures your pet is safe and happy throughout his or her “golden years.” Pets age faster than people and are considered to be “seniors” around age 7. Prevention is the key to keeping older pets healthy. Symptoms of disease or a chronic condition many not be readily apparent. In some cases, conditions that may look like the usual signs of “old age” could actually be signs of a more serious problem, such as arthritis, periodontal disease, kidney failure or cancer. Your pet’s senior plan includes:

  • Urinary health check
  • Glaucoma check
  • Complete blood count
  • Complete urinalysis
  • Heartworm test
  • Abdominal and chest radiographs
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Full chemistry blood panel
  • Internal parasite test
  • Thyroid test
  • Electrocardiogram as recommended

These tests are not time intensive or difficult to do and can be performed during regular wellness exams. You are an important ally in keeping your senior pet healthy! If your pet is experiencing any changes in behavior, we urge you to bring him or her in for a check-up. Together, we can make sure you and your faithful companion enjoy many more years together. If you have any questions or would like more information about the wellness care examinations we offer for your pet, please call our Union, New Jersey veterinary hospital at (908) 688-1640 or contact us online.


Location Hours
Monday9:00am – 6:00pm
Tuesday9:00am – 6:00pm
Wednesday9:00am – 6:00pm
Thursday9:00am – 6:00pm
Friday9:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday9:00am – 3:00pm

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